Hello friend and fellow-reader!
Chewing the Bone is dedicated to my most cherished hobby – READING.
I am a voracious reader. My books come in paper or digital
format, providing me a vast library in many genres. However, in
Chewing the Bone, you’ll not find a classical literature collection
emulating a college required reading curriculum. Or find a huge
collection of nonfiction titles that contain the phrase, “For
Dummies” – or not. Also there are no comprehensive reviews about
books, their writers or the publishing houses that mast produces
Instead, this site is about the reader… the fan… ME! The lover of a
certain kind of series, a specific author, a genre. And of course my
stories are either heavily laden or sprinkled lightly with S-E-X –
of course, depending upon my momentary spirit. Some of my selections are
loyalty based, other times mood, but enjoyment is paramount no
matter the reason. Hence… I confess to reading for the escape. Period.
Chewing the Bone bestows fan-like homage to my favorite
authors and their books, which I've read, will read or wish to read.
Therefore if posted here then I must like the author’s writing, the
series or any other reasons a book reviewer would state in any
Without further adieu…check out my links below or above or inside. Enjoy!