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It beats chompin' at the bit...

Hello friend and fellow-reader!

Chewing the Bone is dedicated to my most cherished hobby – READING. I am a voracious reader.  My books come in paper or digital format, providing me a vast library in many genres. However, in Chewing the Bone, you’ll not find a classical literature collection emulating a college required reading curriculum. Or find a huge collection of nonfiction titles that contain the phrase, “For Dummies” – or not. Also there are no comprehensive reviews about books, their writers or the publishing houses that mast produces them.

Instead, this site is about the reader… the fan… ME! The lover of a certain kind of series, a specific author, a genre. And of course my stories are either heavily laden or sprinkled lightly with S-E-X – of course, depending upon my momentary spirit. Some of my selections are loyalty based, other times mood, but enjoyment is paramount no matter the reason. Hence… I confess to reading for the escape. Period.

Chewing the Bone bestows fan-like homage to my favorite authors and their books, which I've read, will read or wish to read. Therefore if posted here then I must like the author’s writing, the series or any other reasons a book reviewer would state in any review.  

Without further adieu…check out my links below or above or inside. Enjoy! 

2012 Reading Challenge

2012 Reading Challenge
Pamela has read 131 books toward her goal of 400 books.